Digital Illustrator
Comissions Status
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Price: 20 USD
Icon portrait illustration (Sketch, flat/ full color) of your characters or some fanart.
4K illustration 150 DPI
Price: 40 USD
Half-body illustration (Sketch, Flat, Full color) of your character or a fanart.
HD illustration 150 DPI
Background: +10~20 USD
Extra characters: +60%
Price: 70 USD
Full-body illustration (Sketch, Flat, Full color) of your character or any fanart.
4K illustration 150 DPI
Background: +10~30 USD
Extra characters: +50%
Character Design
Price: 180 USD
Full body design of your original character + three expressions + weapon (if applicable).
Three initial concepts, in which you will choose the outfit you like best
You will always be aware of the creation process. You can make slight changes to the design. In case of major changes, you will be charged a fee for the changes (depending on the complexity of the changes).
This is an old design, but it works as an example.
Terms of service
Commercial use: Total price x2
I Draw: Human/humanoid OC's, portrait, fantasy creatures, pin-ups, chibis, fanarts, characters with armor (Not extremely detailed)
I don't draw: mechas, robots, nsfw (you can ask, just in case), gore, fetishes, extremely detailed illustrations without any reference, pet portraits.
The delivery time is not defined. If you have an urgent commission, let me know, and I will arrange a time to deliver it in a week.
You can cancel your commission if you have not paid yet.
Once the sketch is approved, no refunds are given.
Payment Process: I will start drawing once 100% of the payment is confirmed (You can ask for 50/50 payment).
Prices are in USD, do not claim a slot if you do not have the payment right now.
Arrangements/changes: Changes requested after approval of the sketch will have an additional cost. Mistakes made by me, of course, will not have an extra charge.
Commissions will be posted on my social media. Unless you request a secret commission. If you publish the artwork, please give me credits.
Hi! I'm Memoh, a freelance digital illustrator, a fan of fantasy and illustration. I usually do character illustration, but I'm also a character don't be afraid to write me for long projects.
If you have any questions, write me on Twitter or discord: Memoh#2762